Steamy, Empowered, Adults-Only Outdoor Adventure Author

My Story
I'm just an outdoor enthusiast​, adventure sporting, nature lover from the Midwest who loves a good romance but always wants stories to turn up the hotness. Better yet, combine it with the outdoors and adventure sports that bring a focus to strong, capable bodies and open, equitable minds. I want to read about healthy, supportive interactions with consent and partnership: women who know what they want and men who can let them be who they are. Sex that feels good inside and out(side).
I want stories that inspire women feel empowered to have vibrant, healthy, bold sex. Stories that showcase men who are confident enough to honor her directness - and love it. Mutual respect of each other's bodies and desires to have a fling (maybe it leads to more, yet it's ok if it doesn't!) while appreciating the sensory cascade that nature provides and the added thrill of activities they get a rush from.
I didn't find the stories I wanted, so I'm writing them. The feedback has been... enthusiastic... to say the least. And since there are endless options for extra spicy outdoor play, stay tuned for more stories and sub-themes coming up.